4 Reasons Why Line Ad Platform is HUGE for your Online Marketing

Online marketing is an important aspect for capturing your target audience’s attention. In our blog posts, we usually cover things like Facebook ads, Google ads and Search Engine Optimization tips and tricks. Today we will be shifting our attention to one of the most effective ways to market your products online. If you intend to expand and penetrate the Thailand market with your company, Line Ad is definitely worth using to help boost your brand’s awareness and reach.

What is LINE?

LINE is a leading social media platform in Thailand, with 84% of internet users in Thailand reporting that they’ve used the social messaging platform. In 2019, it is reported that Line has a total of 44 million users in their country whose population is 69.2 million. This is as good as having two thirds of the country actively using the platform! When it comes to the power of Line ad in the Thai market, the numbers don’t lie.

LINE’s Presence in Thailand is massive, giving you more reasons to advertise on it.

However, wanting to advertise on Line is different from Facebook or Google Ads. For Facebook and Google, you can just create an account for yourself and set up the advertisements on your own after putting in your ad budget. Line requires you to look for a company that provides Line Ad services in order to put your advertisements on LINE Ads Platform. Which is why it is important for you to first look for an agency that provides Line Ad service. Our company, MarketingGuru, are happy to help you with that! We have staff that participated in Line Ads Platform training and are well equipped with skills imparted from LINE’s training to help your company succeed in advertising on the Line Ad platform.

In this article, we will be covering what exactly Line Ad platform is, 4 of its interesting features and how it will be able to help raise your business’s status in Thailand.

Introduction to the LINE Ads Platform

LINE Ad Platform is an advertising platform that allows businesses to advertise on the social messaging platform LINE. Advertising on the platform requires for companies to do it through a marketing agency that is a partner of Line only. This means if the company doesn’t engage in marketing services as its core service, they wouldn’t be able to become a Line partner.

In the Line Ad platform, there are multiple types of advertisements that can be done. Advertisement styles include static image advertisements and videos. These advertisements can be displayed on different places in LINE including LINE timeline and LINE Today. It works similarly to Facebook in which companies would set the desired budget and use only that amount. However, in Line Ad the user gets to choose which campaign objective they want. LINE will through the use of its SMART Channel algorithm, help you optimize your budget and display the ads at appropriate places across their platforms for your target demographic.

Additionally, the algorithm will measure the users’ behavior on websites that they’ve been on and will analyze this accumulated data. After which, LINE will help you to place your ads at appropriate places for the target audiences you have in mind based on their behavior.

Feature 1: Campaign Objectives

As mentioned earlier, LINE ad requires you to pick a campaign objective and use its machine learning to help with your advertising. Listed below are the 4 campaign objectives that users can choose from in LINE ad.

Brand Awareness

This objective is particularly good if you’re a new brand looking to penetrate the Thai market. By choosing this objective, LINE’s algorithm will help you to position the ad banners at the right places sch that you can gain the most clicks and be the most visible to your target audience.

Increase Customer Base

Businesses looking to gain registrations, installations, or lowering down their cost per customer acquisition can look to use this objective in their Line Ad campaign. This is because Line will help to promote links that lead to their app download page. Another method is to use the company’s LINE official account to gain friends on LINE to send out future promotions, helping them to gain more customers.

Increase Sales

Brands can use LINE ad to collect information on interested audiences who clicked or purchased their products. LINE can help increase sales by helping them to retarget these audience in the future, that way increasing sales.

Maintain Existing Customer Base

With Line’s dynamic product placement, maintenance of a business’s existing customer base can be done by personalizing ads shown to the LINE users. LINE’s algorithm learns what the user is interested in and can help businesses to more effectively target the correct audience with interests relevant to their products.

The existence of such a feature on LINE makes it superior to other ad platforms’ advertising since LINE is able to help you decide on the most effective places to put your ads based on your budget

Feature 2: Cost Per Friend

Line Ad platform has a unique feature cost per friend. This feature allows for advertisers to let their audience click on the Follow (or add friend) button for their page while watching the video or display advertisement that is being shown. This makes the experience more seamless for users as they wouldn’t have to leave the page in order to follow the advertiser.

The cost per friend feature most importantly is a feature that is effective in helping companies that want to engage better with their target customer base since cost per friend is essentially trying to get the audience to follow the company’s official Line account. Therefore this is certainly a feature of Line Ad that will help businesses who want to have better engagement and increase their sales through promotion of their products on their Line page.

Feature 3: Target Lookalike Audience

Line Ad platform also allows for a similar function to Facebook in which businesses can target a customer group that is similar to existing customers of either their own company or another company similar to theirs. This customer base to be targeted is known as lookalike audience. Being able to successfully target audience similar to your existing customer base on a larger platform like Line Ad will help your business increase sales since it is one of the widest reaching platforms in Thailand with users averaging 63 minutes per day on the app.

Feature 4: Precise Targeting

The Line Ad platform also allows your business to be very precise in choosing your target audience, granting you the ability to choose the reach and frequency that your business wants out of the campaign. LINE’s ad platform also allows for very accurate Geo targeting, letting businesses choose the exact coordinates and specific provinces that they want their ads to be shown to.

The ability to have these customized targeting features makes Line Ad a very attractive platform for businesses to be marketing their products on as it will help them to be effective with their campaigns.

Ready to Get on the LINE Ad Platform?

With the massive reach that LINE Ad Platform is able to help your business achieve in the Thailand market, this is an opportunity that should not be missed if you are looking to grow. Whether is it to get more awareness in the Thai market or to create more conversion, LINE ad’s different features have got you covered. This of course, can only be done through a marketing agency.

If you’re ready to get on LINE Ad Platform, why not contact us. We will be able to help you customize your marketing campaign based on your marketing needs. Whether you are in need of graphic designing, video advertising, or targeting the appropriate audience, we’ve got you covered!

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